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HomeCollegiate Rocketry Program

URRG Collegiate Rocketry Program Guidelines

General Policies,Rules Requirements


Please read the URRG Range Rules.They are here to help all.

 All NAR or Tripoli certification requirements must be met.


The CRP Guidelines are linked here-> CRP Regulations

They are VERY important to your Team’s Success! Including: 

  • Procedures for  exclusive Friday Launch Reservations for College Teams!

  • Procedures and recommendations for all L1 and L2 certification flights

  • How to get URRG Club consulting on Team Projects

  • Where NOT to use 3D Printed Parts

  • Establishing your Team’s Credibility for Safe, Repeatable flights

  • Rules on Experimental and Nonstandard Construction

  • Flight Electronics Requirements

  • Trackers

  • Multi Stage and Air-Start Flights 

Every individual attempting certification must have  valid NAR or Tripoli membership and has their ID with them on the day of the certification attempt.

Certification attempts are subject to assessment by URRG Range Safety Officer. Arrangements for certification attempts must be made in advance with URRG BoD.


Rockets should be fully constructed and craftsmanship reviewed by college team leadership before arriving at the field.

All flight safety calculations must be reviewed by the college team leadership before arriving at the field.

You must Simulate all flights in OpenRocket or RockSim


Certification rockets must be built entirely by the person being certified.

Larry Weibert (Club Prefect): (716)628-1880