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The American Rocketry Challenge is the world’s largest rocket contest with nearly 5,000 students nationwide competing each year. The contest gives middle and high school students the opportunity to design, build and launch model rockets and hands-on experience solving engineering problems. 

There are qualified mentors in the URRG club for this middle/high school competition.

Based on local qualification flights, the top 100 teams are invited to Washington, D.C. in May for the National Finals. Top placing teams split more than $100,000 in cash and scholarships and the overall winning team will travel to the United Kingdom to complete in the International Rocketry Challenge taking place at the Farnborough Air Show in July.

For More Contest Information Click Here

The Tripoli Mentoring Program (TMP) allows Tripoli Junior members to learn the skills of high-power rocket construction and launching in a safe and consistent environment with all high-power rocketry safety codes and legal restrictions.

With TMP, Junior flyers can design and build high-power rockets and launch their own rockets under the direct supervision of a Senior flyer or Mentor. The Mentor will handle all aspects of the launch that, due to legal restrictions, require flyers to be over the age of 18 and certified for high-power motor usage.

Any Tripoli Junior member ages 12-17 can participate in the program as the Junior flyer. Any Tripoli Senior member can participate in the program as the Mentor.

For More Info on TMP Click Here

Boy Scout Space Exploration Merit Badge

One of the Requirements is to:

Build, launch, and recover a model rocket. Make a second launch to accomplish a specific objective.

Identify: Body Tube, Engine Mount,Fin, Igniter, Launch Lug, Nose Come, PayLoad, Recovery System, Rocket Engine.

We have volunteers at URRG who can help!

Click Here for More Merit Badge Info

Larry Weibert (Club Prefect): (716)628-1880